Dear guests,Ambassadors,ladies and gentlemen!
The 95th anniversary of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic will be complete this year.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has an important role in the history of statehood of Azerbaijan. It is clear from the historical sources that there existed independent governance during the arrival of the Arabians in the 7th century and the feudal state of Nakhchivan Khanate was created in the 10th century. Nakhchivan city turned to be the capital of Atabegs’ state in the 12th century and made its contribution to the formation of administrative management as the political center of Nakhchivan Kanate in the 18th century. Nakhchivan, the capital of Aras-Turkish Republic with the population of over one million in 1918, was given the status of autonomous republic in 1924. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been an autonomous state since that time according to the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic adopted at the universal suffrage held on 12 November 1995.
The autonomy of Nakhchivan was not gained easily and appeared as a result of great historical, military-political and diplomatic struggles. After giving of Zangezur region of Azerbaijan to Armenia in 1919, the issue on the autonomy of Nakhchivan that was isolated from the main territory of the country turned into necessity. The key factor that made it necessary at that time was the demand of the Nakhchivani people for being together with Azerbaijan and their desire for not separating from the native country.
One of the main reasons of the autonomy of Nakhchivan was that the same issue grew bigger, appeared on the regional plane and turned to be the subject of the international law. It would be enough to mention that the Nakhchivan was put in discussion in six countries for over twenty times in 1918-1921 and in the end, the international Moscow and Kars agreements that stipulate remaining of Nakhchivan in the status of an autonomous republic within Azerbaijan, were signed as a result of the resistant struggle of the people and intellectuals of Nakhchivan and the fair position held by the fraternal Turkish Government in 1921. As the continuity of these agreements and the legal evidence of the real condition appeared, the Decree was issued on establishing of Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on 9 February 1924. It was the greatest historical achievement made by the Azerbaijani people in the most difficult political situation.
The constitutions adopted these years, also played an important role in strengthening of the status of autonomy of Nakhchivan. The three constitutions of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic were adopted in 1926-1978 and the new constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was adopted on 29 December 1998 after our country gained its independence.
There rose Armenian claim for the territories of Mountainous Garabag and Nakhchivan of Azerbaijan at the end of the 80s of the last century, the hypocritical policy of the center aggravated the political situation more. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was put by Armenia in the political and transport blockade and the connection with the main territory of our country was broken. In such a condition, plundering attacks of the Armenian armed forces to the frontier villages of Nakhchivan were intensified. Along with that the management of the APF and Musavat couple which were on power at that time, also intensified the political struggle against Nakhchivan and voiced groundless claims for liquidating of the autonomic status of Nakhchivan specified in the international agreements.
The visit of the national leader Heydar Aliyev to Nakhchivan at serious time and his conducting of political activity there, saved the territory of the autonomous republic from the Armenian occupation and the autonomous status from the danger of liquidation. The wise statesman Heydar Aliyev attracted the attention of the international world to this issue again by putting the Kars agreements and their provisions in discussion together with the Turkish leaders. The orders given by the national leader on Nakhchivan during his leadership in Azerbaijan, his historical visits to this country and the actions taken for the territorial integrity and security as well as implementing of other issues necessary for strengthening and settling of the autonomic status legally also ensured the all-round development of Nakhchivan and turned it into the flourishing land.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic passed the great way of development within the past 95 years. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic that followed the way of construction of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, achieved in great development in the social and economic field. The living conditions and life of the people have increased to a considerable extent. This development also affected the growth and settlement of the population and the population of the autonomous republic reached up to 456 thousand people by increasing 5 times from the beginning of the autonomy till today. The increased opportunities also had an effect on the social and economic level and the policy of science, education, health, culture, sport and youth got new level of development in the autonomous republic. As Ilham Aliyev, the President of the country said: “There goes on successful development in every field and great attention is paid to every field in Nakhchivan. It is the triumph of the way of Heydar Aliyev”.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has its own great historical past and national values. Our ancient monuments and the youth who are our future, are patronized and actions are taken for protecting of the national customs and traditions. It is the result of the performed works that Nakhchivan already hosts international scientific, cultural and sport events and holds scientific conferences, symposiums and drawing festivals. In this regard, the previous year was more important, Nakhchivan was elected as the Capital of the Islamic Culture and the Youth Capital of our country in 2018 and international conferences were conducted in the subject of “European Days”, the first forum of the Young Leaders of the Turkish Council and “Constructive leaders of the Turkish-Islamic moral philosophy: scientists of Irfan school from Turkistan to Anatolia” of TURKSOY in Nakhchivan.
Today Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is the flourished country supplied with energy, information, food and defense security in a high level. It is the result of the continuous growth of the economic potential that Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic gained the highest point twice over 18 parameters within the last two years and became the leader in the rating of investment made by “Caspian European Club” first chaired by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan Republic over the economic regions of our country.
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is moving forward the great development within Azerbaijan Republic confidently and resolutely. Naturally, making of these achievements strengthens the status of autonomy of Nakhchivan more. Our national leader Heydar Aliyev was just based on the same factor and said: “The autonomy of Nakhchivan is a historical achievement and we must protect and maintain it. The autonomy of Nakhchivan is a very important factor serving it for taking back the other lost lands of Nakhchivan. We must protect and maintain this factor”.
Thank you!